Backcast Plan

The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. Connect the dots looking backwards. Identify objectives and key results connecting the preferred future to the present.

2 Workshops | 2 Digital Surveys

We have a clearer Vision of what Lincoln as a Place to Grow, a Place to Prosper and a Place to Belong looks like. Now what? In a participatory workshop, we introduced a process for working backward from this Vision using the Objectives, Key Results (OKR) Strategic Management Framework.

OKR has become one of the most influential and popular goal management methodologies. The beauty of OKR lies in its simplicity; it’s a set of best practices from leading companies like Google that helps organizations plan and implement strategy. The framework’s benefits include improved focus, increased transparency, and better team alignment.

The different components of the OKR Strategic Framework answer three straightforward questions:

  • Where do we need to go?
  • How will we know when we get there?
  • What will we do when we get there?

During this workshop, we discussed different examples of both Strategic and Tactical Objectives. Whether an objective is Strategic or Tactical depends on the length of the objective or its horizon. Objectives will fall into different categories based on their start and end dates. The objective’s length is called the ‘Objective Horizon.’

For instance:

  • An Objective with a Horizon of 5-10 years is usually called a Vision
  • An Objective with a Horizon of 1-3 years is usually called a Strategic Objective
  • An Objective with a Horizon of 1-3 quarters is usually called a Tactical Initiative

Typically, a Vision may be relevant for 5-10 years. In contrast, your strategy will shift to respond to changes in the operating environment. Many organizations will set or revisit their Strategic Objectives once per year. Tactics and Initiatives drive strategy and are reviewed regularly, perhaps once per quarter. You want to be sure to co-create OKRs as a team. This makes coordinating activities much more manageable and ensures teams and individuals can better deliver on their promises despite cross-functional dependencies.

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The culmination of multiple data-gathering tools, workshops and facilitated discussions was a Future-Fit Strategic Priority Plan for the town of Lincoln. Click next to see a summary of key results.